Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 4: 10 Favorite Movies of All Time

Oh my, this may be seriously impossible. I have seen so many great films throughout the years. I will compile this list based on the movies that I have watched over and over or that I seem to keep going back to. They are in no particular order.

1.) Airplane. "Jive ass dude aint got no brains anyhow."
I used to have this movie on laser disc when I was about 14 or 15. A couple of my close friends and I used to quote it constantly. One time we acted out the girl scouts at the bar scene and video taped it. Total Classic.

2.) Almost Famous. "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool." I saw this movie with Sara and my boyfriend at the time in the theater. It has it's little flaws, but I still love it. It may be the most quotable movie ever.

3.) High Fidelity. "Should I bolt every time I get that feeling in my gut when I meet someone new? Well, I've been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains." I fell in love with Jack Black in this movie. I laughed so hard that I cried when I first saw it. My friend and I used to imitate his "The night Laura's daddy died" song. Plus, it is just a really great film about relationships. I mean, he calls on the boss in his time of need. How could you go wrong?

4.) The Wizard of Oz. "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking." This was my favorite movie as a child and I still love it. The characters are so lovable. To me, it is simply adorable.

5.) Aristocats. "Oh, shucks, Napoleon. That ain't nothin' more but a little ol' cricket bug." This was my FAVORITE book as a kid and probably my favorite Disney movie. I still love it.

6.) To Kill a Mockingbird. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." When I first saw this movie, I cried. I'm not talking little tiny tears either. Sobs. It's just such a beautiful story, superbly acted, and also one of my favorite books.

7.) Man on the Moon.
Andy Kaufman: You don't know the real me.
Lynne Margulies: There isn't a real you.
Andy Kaufman: Oh yeah, I forgot.

This movie is about the Andy Kaufman story. I saw it in the theater as well when it first came out. I was so captivated by it. I suppose it was particularly impactful to me because I saw it knowing nothing about the movie or Andy Kaufman. It was one of Jim Carey's first serious roles and he was absolutely brilliant in it. There is something very Shakespearean about this movie.

8.) The Color Purple. "You sho is ugly!" I still think this movie is beautiful. Everything about it is perfect. When I saw it I just cried and cried and continued crying for what seemed like hours afterwards.

9.) Karate Kid. "(Singing) Ooooh waaa eeee. OOOoooookeeeohno. karerdeokosaynooooooo.)Daniel son, Daniel son. Sit down. Sit down!" Another movie I was totally obsessed with growing up. I have probably seen it a hundred times. I love the soundtrack. I love the actors. Mr. Miagi was my very first mentor. Zen meets Los Angeles. God bless America.

10.) The Fall.
Luigi: (reading from Evelyn's locket) My dearest daughter, never marry for money, fame, power or security. Always follow your heart. Your ever loving father...
Blue Bandit: It says all that on that little locket?
Luigi: Si.

This is a movie that I watched just recently, but I was left thinking of it for days afterwards. Not only is the cinematography absolutely gorgeous, it is such a fantastical and beautiful story.


geminigrl said...

I also fell in love with Jack Black in High-Fidelity!

Wizard of Oz is also one of my favorites and is one of the greatest movies of all times. Seriously. Who could portray sweet earnestness better than Judy Garland?

TKAM is a great film, but I think I like the book a bit better.

Sadly, I've never seen the Fall.